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Fast Business Card Translation Services

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Business card translation services

Are you planning a business journey to a nation where English isn’t the primary language? Frequently, your initial in-person meeting with a new business associate includes swapping business cards. Offering your business card, translated into your host’s native language, instantly establishes a positive impression and is viewed as a gesture of respect towards your host. In particular, Asian countries, such as Japan, place immense importance on organisational hierarchy. By translating your business card, your host can immediately comprehend your role within your organisation.

What do we require from you to translate your business card?

At Tnfast Translations, we offer business card translation and typesetting in over 100 languages. With over 10 years of experience, we have proudly provided business card translation services to clients across the globe. We can work from either a high-resolution PDF or an artwork file. If you can’t find an electronic copy of your business card, simply scan a copy and send it to us at [email protected]. We will then re-create the artwork for your business card before commencing the translation process.

Typically, our translated business cards are bi-lingual. We feature English on one side and the translated version on the other. Once the translation is complete, we provide you with a print-ready electronic version of your business card in a high-resolution PDF format.

We understand that each business card is unique, so we’re more than happy to discuss your specific translation needs before we start working on your project.

Our normal delivery time is 1-2 working days for a fully translated and typeset business card.

Should you have any queries, or require further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. We look forward to assisting you on your global business journey.