Submit your documents and requirements for review and quote
You will usually get a quote and payment instructions within an half an hour (UTC+8). Once payment is made online by credit card / bank transfer, we’ll be notified to start the translation.
How much does the translation cost?
The cost depends on whether certification is required.
If certification is required, the cost is affected by this two options – whether NAATI certified translation is required or company certification is required.
What is the difference?
For NAATI certified translations, the translators are reviewed by NAATI certified translators for immigration use in Australia. The NAATI certified translation will contain the NAATI translator’s details including their NAATI identification number. For company certified translations, this will be certified with the company stamp. For both NAATI certified translations and company certified translations, they are delivered on our official company letterhead.
If certification is not required, the cost would be less as the formality in official presentation, company letterhead and stamp is not required.
NAATI certified translation cost
NAATI certified translation is required especially for immigration processes in Australia. The prices start from $75 per page (<250 words) and delivery is usually within 48 hours.
Standard Certified translation cost
Company certified translation is suitable for many countries overseas including the USA. The prices start from $33 per page (<250 words) and delivery is usually within 48 hours.
Non-Certified translation cost
Non-certified translation cost are still prepared by professional translator, and the prices start from A$13 per 100 words.
Business translation cost
Translation for businesses including additional proof-read and possible DTP work, involving layout for design brochures. The prices for business translations start from A$20 per 100 words. The cost for design / DTP work per page ranges from $20-50 per page depending on the number of pages you have.
What else affects the cost
Clarity of documents provided: As much as possible, please always provide clear scans of the document for translation. Illegible or unclear copies would take more time to translate in general and will cost more.
Urgency: The prices are affected by urgency (1hr, 12hrs, 1 day, 2 days or more). For the most affordable translations, always provide plenty of time allowance for the delivery.
The quickest and safest way to get a quote is by emailing us the document/s directly. We only have one email for customers – [email protected] (Served by Google Gmail).
Can you certify my translations?
We can check your translations and provide standard certification but not NAATI translator certification. Generally, checking of existing translation may take an even longer time (and cost) so this would be determined on a case-by-case basis. For any certified translation we provide, we are quite particular with not just the accuracy but also the formatting. It is recommended that customers do not spend time doing DIY translation work before submitting the actual document/s required for translation.
What else do you need from me to get started?
Besides providing a clear copy of the document/s for translation. We need the official and preferred name spellings for certain languages where transliteration is required. When non-English names are presented and transliteration of names is applicable, clients should prepare and provide all the name spellings to avoid guess-work. This would apply to languages such as Arabic, Japanese, Russian, Urdu, Hindi and Punjabi, where there are possible variations and possibilities of English name spellings from non-Latin characters.
Do you translate audio or videos?
We provide transcription for audio and video files, the transcription is simply the exact wording of the speech typed out without translation. You may further choose to order translations for the transcription file. The cost for transcription with translation is from $13 per minute, and the total cost depends on the clarity of speech of person/s in the audio, language, as well as the total length of the audio.
Tnfast Translations
Phone: +61 (08) 7200 0727
Mobile / WhatsApp: 0420 421 690
Email: [email protected]
Head Office
67 Howe Street
Osborne Park
WA 6017